Saturday, May 23, 2009

My beautiful Red Roses

My life was like red rose, just trying to get away from the thorns,

I see blood shedding out of my petals, but the causes were thinking of my thorns,

Petals dried up cause of drought, drought of love, drought of care and you,

Rose of my life are on the paths, walk on them they will not bleed now,

They are under your shoe don’t worry they will take care of you,

Caring for you, crying for you they are there just for you,

Roses that had cried for only love affection and care, but they are bleeding and shedding now,

Roses of life, Roses of hope, Roses of love, Roses from me,

Just a question to ask at this phase of life,

"Why you had done this to my beautiful Red Roses."

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